Prowling Panther Slot BIG WIN 2900x $145,000 Hand Pay $50 Spin

Mega Wins YouTube Video Information:

I finally edited my short video clips of my March 6, 2015 MEGA win on IGT Prowling Panther at Harrah’s Resort Southern California (F/K/A Rincon). On the second spin in the Bonus Round I hit a $144,000 spin. Sorry the video is jumpy as I was a little excited.

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Prowling Panther Slot BIG WIN 2900x $145,000 Hand Pay $50 Spin

40 thoughts on “Prowling Panther Slot BIG WIN 2900x $145,000 Hand Pay $50 Spin

  1. HYERROLLER SLOTS your jackpots are minimal compared to that lol.This dude is the real champ!!

  2. Whats with the negative comments..However he spends his money is his business.Either way Im sooooo happy for you!!!!!

  3. That's it? You were just a LITTLE excited? Lol. That's a super aweskme win! I'd be a little excited too!!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. Epic win Aaron. This is my favorite slot and I play $3 max bet. very volatile but when you hit, this hits big. ๐Ÿ–’ for high limit bet, high volatility game! Wow what a big win Aaron! Congrats and do it again!

  5. Its a 3000 to one bonus!!!! 50 bucks gets you back 150 grand?? The casino probably threw that machine away! Once in a lifetime!! I've had a few 1000 to ones but 3000 like hitting the power ball lotto! Great hit, that high won't come again!

  6. How did you get $145K? I thought those machines did not pay that much. And what i'm noticing is that people win big when they bet between $0.50 cents to $1.00. Next time I go to a casino i am going to bet small and I will see what happens when I play these slot machines

  7. Finally a huge win relative to bet size! So tired of seeing the 1200-3k handpays on these bet sizes that punctuate these channels…finally someone hits something really worth of the word "jackpot"

  8. This was on a 50 dollar bet? Damn! Not bad. You're calm as **** too. They don't actually hand pay this right? I assume you get a check

  9. Even if you Won & Threw it All back. That's a very Nice Hit ! Bought New Car blew it on some Snow & right back to the Casino

  10. Thats more like 14k not 145k lol theres no way they add the last 0 if u look it say 14,503.0 thats the real deal lol

  11. These are show videos… Trust me if somebody just won $145,000 they would be screaming their head off

  12. when gamblers win big like this, they bet higher and higher. esp when they are loosing. they have the mentality that they can always hit another big one and get all their loss back.

  13. If you bet $50 a spin, that means youโ€™re probably down about 500k. Glad to see youโ€™re only down about 350k now. ๐Ÿ‘

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