1 thought on “Sun & Moon Slot Machine BIG WIN Bonus

  1. Just Curious….At 2:31 you retriggered 2 (sun & moon) symbols with 3 tiki men symbols on 3rd, 4th and 5th row, it didn't pay you anything however, a few spins later, it did something similar and paid you a little something…Did it cheat you? Looks like it did!

    These games albeit fun to play, have been known to cheat players out of pennies on the dollar. 2+ years ago, same game cheated me out of $14.00 out of a $200.00 investment. It wouldn't pay .20 cents here, .18 cents there etc… and after about the 5th or 6th time I started jotting down the amounts and what I "CAUGHT" in the span of 4 hrs or so was about $14.00-$15.00 bucks not added to my pot! Who knows how much it took all together in a span of several years…

    Multiple lines are CRAZY FUN,…….but they cheat you the most as well!

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