Record Wins YouTube Video Information:
Feel free to check out my second channel today if you guys are interested in some more content from me. I will be uploading Gaming Videos, Reactions, Pranks, and more!
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Please Gamble responsibly, my channel is here for the sole purpose of uploading my gambling experiences and entertaining you guys. I suggest not gambling at all as it is a very good way of losing money.

Mute the videos everytime 😄
Congrats bro that’s nuts
live broh
Hey, i tried to find out wich chair this is? Can you send me the product bame?
The best server Indonesia in my canel
What a degen
Let’s goooooooooo
Can you borrow me 100.000 dollars?
Always good luck.
Nice one, love both dance and the video 🙂
Wait I thought Linda was Olaf's wife….when the hell did that change?
Xposed your educational background
Why can’t this guy do a blacks Jack stream anymore? It’s like he forgot we got him to the dance
Hi bro I love your play, bro my family big financial problem pls help me bro I am from india
This is nice
Nice haul my man brothers not hitting, hit up the sister 🤣
Fist it and twist it 😅😅😅
udah gw share server admin supaya menang terus kaya di vidio ini. saya aja udah wd 130jt, bocoran server udah di share di youtube gw.
That’s gona ****in paaaayyyy! Lmao. I love this channel
Ху.. Е орёшь
Boss plz help me
Boss your big fan
You lucky man
Good indonesia join
Faz um pix
what is the slot lite?
Demmo account bro
i swear if you put that kind of money in my account and gamble, u will not win a ****….
100% convinced his vids are bull**** hits bonus reals with crazy regularity, probably playing demo reals
He just over doubled up if u count prev losses he still down 100 k buy get that excited fuor 250 k which he will lose on next spin is stupid it also looks like he’s dreaming from his parents basement lol funny ****
Почему он кричить и дергаетса як гусь
Настоящие эмоции:)) like bro!
This guy is gonna lose the lot
TEMPAT NONGKRONGROYAL TOTO PEDIA !🎮🎮5th time watching this win.. put a leg up
SELALU LANCAR terus ya bang kontennya, terima kasih buat pola yang sangat membantu. Jangan lupa di praktekin di "Heylink RONIN19" slot yang lagi gacorrrr
Tengkyu konten nya bro.. cobain main di RAJAWALI303
Mantab iso nyasar teko indonesia
I just wanted 1500 dollars to make my dream come true…
I feel bad for his neighbors lol..