Super Big Slot Wins Video Information:
Brand new game Electric Boogaloo from Aristocrat’s Quick Fire Jackpots line. First time playing this game and this was my very first bonus. Bonus feature awards 7 free spins with Sticky Stacked Wild Reels! Very cool feature.

Very nice bonus Albert. Beside low pay table it looks cool. 🙂
What did you think about this one?
Nice win! Too bad it needs to be a full stack to stick.
Fantastic Albert! Will definitely be looking for this one. Good show. Congratulations.
Wonderful Buddy!! This looks really fun, I will definitely give this a whirl, hope it lands on the East Coast soon. Thanks for showing, great stuff
Beautiful win! Congrats. Can it re trigger on bonus? Im guessing maybe not due to all the valuable sticky wilds
Did they pull a Bally and not add any wilds to reel 1 or did I miss them? Awesome win bro!
Now that was an awesome win! Funny to hear, "I wish I had another lady…" LOL! A what a total flashback to the 70's!! Yeah Baby, says Austin Powers LOL!!! Congrats man =)
Very nice win and thanks for sharing this new game. Hadn't heard about it till now.
Similar to Black Knight…except it has to be a full stack. Very nice win!
Yessssssssssss! :=D
good show of this game, my local has these and I have hit well on them… if you can get the wild stack on reel 5 with the flame and then fill it up you can get some sick wins.
hmm nice hope to see em in vegas
Cool bonus, congrats on that awesome win.
Very cool looking game, thanks for sharing it Albert and congrats, can't wait to try it!
Shame that last full reel came in on your last spin, but still a good win hun
Looking for some hot stuff… Nice win Albert! Keep them coming
Fabulous win Albert! What can I say it's my dirty little secret that I love disco music. 😉 If I spot this slot, I'll be giving it a try!
Not sure about the theme … but that's a damn good hit! Well done! Thanks for posting. Lots of fun to watch!
Thanks looks fun
That was great! That game looks super fun and the music is great too. Thanks for sharing…
Alright Albert this was a good bonus. Excellent win! 🙂
Thanks Albert I like the way you explain and analyze the game. It really helps when I do get to a casino.
The combo of hearing Hot Stuff and the Aristocrat big win music is jarring but those wins definitely were on point. Hot Stuff indeed.
Very nice bonus… Ya know I couldn't remember the name of this game for the life of me. I played this on my last trip to AC… We are going back Sun.. ITs fun and on the happy side don't you think?
I hit the Grand Jackpot on this game at Gun Lake Casino. It was very exciting.
How soon into your game did you get the free spins?
Hey albert .. …greetings my friend ….is almost like u knew what was coming… U like a specific slot machine for the entire night ..or jump from one to another.. ..
Can u tell me how u choose. A slot machine. I mean based on what…u feel like oh yeah im gonna win on this ..please reply cuz i migh b goin next week to a casino
Sometimes when I'm bored and have nothing to do, I dig around in the slot archives and watch something you or Rob posted before I started this hobby. That's where this game came from. I like it and you did well. As always. : )