12 thoughts on “Pompeii Original Slot! Big Win On $2.50 Bet

  1. On that second bonus you were down to $9.51. You only had three spins left when you got bonus. Nice timing.

  2. Fantastic run on Pompeii…that was a lot of fun to watch. A big thumbs up and continued good luck my friend.

  3. Cette histoire de Pompeii est semblable à celle racontée du peuple du prophète Lot que la paix d' Allah soit sur lui dans le livre Saint du Coran.

    # Et Lut (Loth), quand il dit à son peuple: « Vous livrez vous à cette turpitude que nul, parmi les mondes, n'a commise avant vous ?

    # Certes, vous assouvissez vos désirs charnels avec les hommes au lieu des femmes ! Vous êtes bien un peuple outrancier. »

    # Et pour toute réponse, son peuple ne fit que dire: « Expulsez-les de votre cité. Ce sont des gens qui veulent se garder purs ! »

    # Or, Nous l'avons sauvé, lui et sa famille, sauf sa femme qui fut parmi les exterminés.
    84 Et Nous avons fait pleuvoir sur eux une pluie. Regarde donc ce que fut la fin des criminels !

    This story of Pompeii is similar to that told of the people of the prophet Lot that the peace of Allah be upon him in the holy book of the Koran.

    # And Lut (Lot), when he said to his people, "Do you surrender to this turpitude that no one among the worlds has ever committed before you?

    # Certainly, you satisfy your carnal desires with men instead of women! You are an outrageous people. "

    # And for any answer, his people only said, "Expel them from your city. These are people who want to keep themselves pure! "

    # We saved him and his family, except his wife who was among the exterminated.
    84 And We rained a rain on them. Look what was the end of the criminals

  4. You could win a lot more if your over anxious self stop spinning yourself in all those good bonuses. Just relax and breathe. Players like you are too anxious and play too fast!

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